Conscious living

Blogs that look at the subject of conscious living in this current age.  What living conscious is all about and information around living a more aware lifestyle with care and kindness to the planet we live on.

  • What is creativity and why is it important?

    Why is creativity so important these days? Its a buzz subject and rightly so. Find out what its all about and why it is hot right now.

  • Earth Day 2020 – get involved and make some changes

    Earth day is a day for us all to remember to get involved in caring for this world every day.

  • CBD oil helped to save my life

    CBD was an important part of how i recovered from cancer. Here I talk about the benefits of the amazing CBD oil for health and cancer treatment.

  • Life Designing and mind mapping with Jasmine Hemsley and Susie Pearl

    Jasmine Hemsley and Susie Pearl get busy life designing and mind mapping in this Insta TV episode.

  • Jasmine Hemsley and Susie Pearl talking wellness, life-designing and mind mapping.

    How to get life on a positive track in these times. Jasmine Hemsley and I discuss useful techniques.

  • The world is resetting. This is good for us and the planet.

    The world is resetting. This is good for us and good for the planet. Here´s why.

  • Now is the time to get creative.

    Creativity is important to life. Here is why.

  • Lessons we have learnt in lockdown

    We are all learning big life lessons during the lockdown. There is no going back to the old normal. Its all one world now.

  • As I began to love myself

    A reminder to love yourself. A poem by Charlie Chaplin. We all need a reminder on this sometimes. Now is a good time to love yourself.

  • A natural cleaner for your home

    This is a simple home cleaner using safe ingredients to keep you and your house safe from toxic ingredients found in most cleaners.

  • Eat well at home – conscious eating that’s good for you and the planet

    Farmacy Kitchen cookbook is a dazzling array of 90 plant-based recipes to make at home.

  • Why I make time to meditate and how you can too..

    Susie Pearl | The busier life becomes, the more crucial positive daily routines become. Read my tips on how to get started with meditation

  • Detox Face Mask – Farmacy Kitchen Cookbook

    Enjoy giving yourself a little TLC with this pure and gentle face mask using only natural ingredients. Give it a try.

  • Conscious Living: What does it mean and why is it important right now?

    How we can lead a more conscious life and become awake to what is truly happening.

  • Gregg Braden: creativity and ancient wisdom

    Gregg Braden and Susie Pearl talk about ancient ideas, culture, art and creativity.