‘Get real’ they told me…

I did a BBC interview with Steve Wright for Radio 2 on happiness and tips on how to run your mind.

I did a BBC interview with Steve Wright for BBC Radio 2 this week.  We talked about happiness and how to run your mind and emotions to feel better.  I got reminded how many people are sceptical about whether our thoughts can make a difference or have any power.

I can’t remember the first time that I discovered the scientific fact that our thoughts are creative and powerfully attract. I think it was quite recently – certainly less than 10 years ago.  Before that, I knew that I didn’t feel comfortable talking badly about others or looking on the negative side of things. I liked to dream – and imagine things working out really well. I remember I did this day by day, week in week out.  I made a point of thinking clearly about what I did want in my life.

When I set up my PR agency in London, Kazoo, I was running it with a highly creative team of people – all experts in their field. One thing I began to notice as we went through the years was that I was consistently expecting things to turn out well – and some of my colleagues were expecting the opposite.  One in particular always said – we  need to work on the ‘worst case’ scenario.  I would always want to argue for the opposite approach: let’s assume the ‘best case’ outcome and go from there.

I would get told I wasn’t being realistic, I was so optimistic and I needed to ‘get real’.  I realised that whatever I turned my attention on and really gave focus, became the thing that was real.

Well, it turned out that we won a lot of campaigns, kept winning our pitches and the agency grew and grew. It’s now a top agency handling the best known brands in the world.

What I noticed was that everything that I was imagining to happen, somehow began to emerge and materialise.  I took only the positive crew out to pitches – and we won. Time and time again. When I took the negative individuals working with us and put them in the meetings (against my better judgement) – things just didn’t flow.

Unconsciously, I was using the techniques that I now know to be universal law. How we think and feel, dictates the experiences that show up in our lives.

What I am realising more and more is that so many people don’t know this yet. They are still working on the premise of thinking about what they don’t want, talking negatively and feeling bad most of the time.

When I was doing my radio interview this week, I realised that we have so much work to do to communicate the simple and life-transforming idea that our thoughts are creative: what we think and feel moment by moment does matter and very strongly affects our life.

If we can teach our children just one valuable thing – it would be to know that whatever we think about and feel about, we’re creating more of – so we must learn to construct ideas and thoughts in positive frames.

What would we all do differently today if we were really aware that our thoughts are magnetic?

Would it be any different?

Let’s live positively.


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