Top 10 resolutions to make…

Here’s a list of 10 New Year resolutions that everyone should consider…

Here’s a list of 10 New Year resolutions that everyone should consider…

Studies show that these are areas make people healthier and happier, so take a look.

  1. Spend more time with friends and family – work at all your cherished friendships, new ones and give more.
  2. Pay yourself first – give yourself 10% each month into a savings account from your earnings and then pay everyone else after that.  Organise your income into sections including for savings.  Going forwards while building some savings regularly makes you feel good.
  3. Plan to do something out of your comfort zone at least once a week.
  4. Make regular goals – do it regularly.  Commit to monthly vision boarding and intention setting.
  5. Declutter your space, have less, cook more, live more, laugh.
  6. Reduce 3 stress points from your life – such as unhealthy habits like too much sugar, dependency on others, toxic friends.
  7. Have more fun and live every day like it matters.
  8. Mind focus – think better thoughts, throw out negativity, think about what you do want.
  9. Body focus – commit to take more care of your body, health and nutrition.
  10. Soul focus – boost activities to connect with your inner world such as meditation, silent walking, nature, mindfulness, quiet time.



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