
This is the place to find blogs to entertain and excite you.  Read about topics on positive living, wellness, mind power and creativity.

Read stories that will make you feel brighter, happier and more able to navigate a busy life.  These are blogs you will really want to read and not miss.

  • Four Life Lessons to learn from Classic Tabletop Games

    Games can tell us a lot about life. How we make good moves and take calculated risks.

    Here is a post about what games can teach us and teach us to be happy with the hand we have been dealt.

  • The Best Ways to Stay Positive and Motivated While You’re Stuck at Home

    Feeling stuck from lockdown? Here are tips on how to stay positive and motivated. Best ways to stay well during lockdown.

  • Staying positive with a cancer diagnosis

    Staying positive when you have had a serious diagnosis can be hard to do and life can seem overwhelming and confusing. Here are some tips from someone who has had brain c**** and got successfully through it and fully recovered.

  • Recovering from cancer. Here are some tools I used for a successful recovery.

    I recovered from brain cancer. These are some of the things I did to support my recovery journey.

  • Reset the world. We are having a revolution.

    We are heading through a revolution. The world is changing fast. We are making profound changes to all part of life in life after the 20 pandemic.

  • Intuition of a sudden lock down: How I got my son back just in time by listening to my intuition

    This is how my intuition helped me get my son back from another country before we got locked down for months.

  • Happy World Book Day – Art of Creativity should be your book of the day!

    Today is World Book Day. Dive into this book and charge up your creativity and get into your flow state.

  • You have infinite power within – and the power is in all of us. Unleash the power within.

    We all have the universal power within ourselves. Creativity helps to unleash that power. Find out more about how to do this in this blog piece.

  • How to Set New Year Resolutions for Success

    Here are the best ways to frame your New Year resolutions to set you on course for a truly successful 2021… I have learnt a great deal from some of the most creative people in the world. Here are some of the key things to remember when setting your intentions for the year ahead. Keep […]

  • How to bring more creativity into your life

    Some tips and advice on how to to bring more creativity into your life.

  • Life planning for those who don’t know what they want in life (and that is most of us right now…)

    Design your life. Here is a guide to how to work out what you want in this fast changing world of transformation. Heres a blog on why its important to get clear about what you want and how to do this.

  • Habit 7 – Future Gazing

    2020 was nothing like any of us expected. What will the future look like?

  • Habit 6 – Be A Maverick

    what a maverick is, and why it’s more important than ever today to have maverick characteristics to build a life that is innovative, unique, inspirational and useful to the world.

  • Habit 5 – Self-care and nourishing the soul

    It’s important to remember to look after yourself and make some time and space for rebalancing in order to live our best lives and be the best version of ourselves.

  • Habit 4 – Boosting your brainwave states and mind-mapping

    One of the secrets to help us with any task is by understanding the potential of the different brainwave states we go into through the day.

  • Habit 3 – Learn how to meditate and breathe well and find the fastest way to transform your life into easy and calm

    Meditation is one of the most important skills I have ever learned.

  • Habit 2 – Why journaling is one of the best habits you can introduce into your daily routine right now

    One of the most powerful habits of a creative life is to journal regularly.

  • The Art of Creativity: Habit 1 – Fears and blocks

    My new book The Art of Creativity is written to highlight the regular habits what we need to look at to live a more creative and satisfying life.

  • How it felt to be juggling a life-threatening illness while writing a new book

    The Art Of Creativity – 7 Powerful Habits To Unlock Your Full Potential

  • Our mental health is under increased pressure with these extreme conditions.

    This is a testing time in lockdown and mental health is under threat. Lets support each other with love and grace.

  • Top tips for positive living: 5 habits of successful people and tips for living more healthily

    When we start to feel successful, everything begins to flow in the right direction.

  • How to get happy part 2

    Being a human is not at all easy. In fact, sometimes its incredibly hard. Meet 2020, for instance.

  • How to get Happy

    I have always been a positive type of person. Since I found out about how the brain works and how emotions are coded, I realised that how we feel moment by moment has a direct impact on the experience that we have.

  • Getting back into a work mindset after lockdown

    The shock and disorientation of lockdown and quarantine has brought us all into a sharp reset. As we now head back to work, we have to readjust some of the things in our daily habits and routines to get back in gradually with minimal upset.